Sunday, September 12, 2010

esl life

Handling a bunch of Asian-students and imparting knowledge to them is so hard to disguise, it takes a lot of  systematic approach of various teaching techniques, effective strategies in grasping daily lessons, building good relationship for both co-teachers and students and of course,be able to understand the real concept of ESL as a whole... 

Way back teenage life,I never thought about of being a "teacher or a tutor." Aside from it wasn't my passion, I consider it as an abomination. In fact, I'm not a studious,or get to involve in any high-cultured school activities or whatsoever... In our class discussions, I even pretended to listen to my teacher but the truth is,  I let  those repetitive words passed through my ears .As far as I am concern, I don't belong to those genius students in our campus  neither do I belong to imbecile society in our grounds. Even so, one thing I know, I'm just an average girl— who doesn't want to engage myself with complicated huge volume of books and  just simply, believed in my own notions of learning.
Then here comes the transition stage of my life .My mentally drags me to unforeseen changes. I feel like I'm a stranger of my own. For all I know, I wasn't born to be an educator but rather than a singer. But my anguish came to end. Funny as it seems,I have reached and discover the profession that I hated the most ,will be path that I'll be dealing with and learned —that the essence of learning can be reach upon the hands of a teacher... So much for that, here are the things, that I am likely to share with you about foreign students, mainly: Japanese, Taiwanese and above all, the Koreans...
  • They value education very much-- they are"studious"...

  •  They think a teacher knows everything-- most students think that teachers are perfect being!

  • They rely on books and very much particular with grammar and pronunciation--they are totally "bookish." They believe exactly of  what it is written in book. 
  • Polish your pronunciation--whenever you talk to your students, you need to be conscious with cause it they are into American accent.
  • They are punctual-- so if ever you'll be late for work then you should explain it to them. They value time and effort and they don't want to waste anything especially time...

  • They don't have religion--As possible,avoid this kind of conversation. It'll make him/her sick.

  • Age matters to them-- Avoid asking your student too much personal info's. They easily get offended and if they know that you're younger than them, they have the tendency to dominate you. 

  • Don't speak any other languages in front of them --They easily misunderstand you. 

  • Don't use phones when having a class--it's a big "no-no"you will be dead from work. 

  • They change teachers--Whether you do your job or not,it doesn't matter. If they don't like you or having a hard time coping up with schedules, then definitely they gonna change you. 

  • Don't take your students as a friend-- In this situation it's a case to case basis, but most students they want to be treated like a student. If you pamper them to much, chances are, they gonna abuse you! 

  • Learn to be strict--this is applicable inside the class so that your student can give you a "respectable gesture" but not to over exaggerate. Student might get scared of you, and chances are, you might have a vacant slot if ever you're going do this a lot. 

  • Concentrate on your class-- Focus in every discussion at the same time, add a bit sense of humor so both of you won't get bored.  

  • Don't imitate your students' accent--with this kind of situation,you'll probably have a hard time coping up your own accent instead. 
  • They want to be corrected—This can leave a positive impression for a tutor/teacher .Nevertheless, for as long as it is necessary to correct student/s then do this.

  • When you have a new student do your best--This is VERY IMPORTANT aspect in teaching your student/s that can get a good result. Show him/her of what you've got and learn to accept any constructive criticism.Your experiences can give you a valuable lesson and  in the long run, your trademark as a GOOD teacher will linger probably, forever...
So those are just some tips .There's no magic wand or even a magic spell for you to become one. But instead, the attitude is needed for you to become a well-establish and successful individual (",). 

Well, I just leave you a shoestring of memorable ventures of my life... And I hope it will serve as a useful guide, especially for those people who want to pursue of becoming a tutor. And for those who are,  I just want to say, that you continue your passion ,I truly salute you!

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